
Join us for an Upcoming Webinar

Join our digital employee experience experts for our bi-annual "What's New" webinar June 25 at 10:00 a.m. CST. Jason E. Smith, VP Alliances and Product Marketing, James O'Regan, Product Marketing Manager, and Chris Walker, Senior Solutions Architect will highlight and demo the latest innovations in the Liquidware solutions suite. These include the latest enhancements to FlexApp application portability, Stratusphere UX user experience monitoring, diagnostics and visibility and ProfileUnity user experience management.

About the Webinar

Jason E. Smith , VP, Alliances & Product Marketing , Liquidware
James O'Regan, Product Marketing Manager, Liquidware
Chris Walker , Senior Solutions Architect & SME, Stratusphere UX, Liquidware

Learning Objectives
To highlight and demo the latest innovations in the Liquidware solutions suite. These include the latest enhancements to FlexApp application portability, Stratusphere UX user experience monitoring, diagnostics and visibility and ProfileUnity user experience management.

Additional Resources
To learn more about this topic,
please visit our website.


Register for the Event

Please fill out the form below to register for the webinar. Following the submission, please watch for an email that will confirm your registration and include personalized information about joining the event.

Webinar Details

Webinar Date:


Webinar Time:

10:00 A.M. CST

Webinar Duration:

60 Minutes


Join our digital employee experience experts for our bi-annual "What's New" webinar June 25 at 10:00 a.m. CST. Jason E. Smith, VP Alliances and Product Marketing, James O'Regan, Product Marketing Manager, and Chris Walker, Senior Solutions Architect will highlight and demo the latest innovations in the Liquidware solutions suite. These include the latest enhancements to FlexApp application portability, Stratusphere UX user experience monitoring, diagnostics and visibility and ProfileUnity user experience management.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is aimed at individuals responsible for end-user computing infrastructure at their organization, with a specific focus on solutions to enhance their users' experience, thus enabling greater productivity.


For more information about this webinar, or about Liquidware's solutions, please contact us via the link below: